A recent study indicated 46% of couples put off discussing relationship concerns or never fully resolve them when also facing sexual concerns.


from misconceptions, infidelity, trauma, abuse, physiological changes, and personal beliefs, there’s a lot of uneducated, misguided information about these issues. We seek to lessen the taboo and open up opportunities to have candid dialogues about lived experiences and how they both negatively and positively shape the ability to connect deeply with romantic partners.

Instead of:

“You can’t talk about that.”

“That’s private.”

“That’s disgusting!”

“That’s embarrassing.”

“ What’s wrong with you?”

We say:

“What a great question!”

“Let me see how to best answer that.”

“So many people have experienced it.”

“I’m really sorry that happened to you.”

“That must be so difficult.”

Let’s Have The Talk

It happens. You are here because it happened. it’s time we create a safe space to talk about sex, intimacy, and all the ways it gets misused and abused. we are surrounded by sexual innuendos, advertising, and social influence. what’s the truth? how do we move on from the lies, the betrayal, the storyline that you are only as good as what you put out?

Let’s talk about it all. let’s address it all and make it a norm to discuss this without shaming those who struggle with some or all of it.

Let’s reclaim the talk about sex and sexuality.