“…47% of young people (responded) that they “don’t think religion, faith, or religious leaders will care about the things [they] want to talk about or bring up during times of uncertainty”

(2020 Springtide report)

what if you could change that?

better together

better together

We have found in many church bodies, the collaboration between clergy and mental health professionals, resources, and more is lacking. We believe even in varying theological beliefs, methods of communicating, and more, the silence has deafening for too long and together we can boldly disrupt the belief that there’s shame in loving Jesus and being a mental health advocate.

we’re committed to compassionate dialogues that implore clergy and church leaders to become comfortable + educated in spaces their training may have lacked. Our team is the perfect fit for the church looking to come alongside their hurting congregants but lacks the resources to do so with empathy and in an engaging, impactful way.

help us Reclaim it

The Church is a place for the broken, the anxious, the ones misusing substances, the mentally imbalanced, and the ones who have found redemption + freedom in Christ.

Come as you are. Partner with us as we bring resources, events, and educational opportunities to the church body. Learn how to walk with people in crisis and encourage them forward as Jesus did repeatedly in Scripture.

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.” 2 Corinthians 1: 3-4